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Unmistakable Signs Your Brand Needs Help

So you’re managing your brand presence, online and off. But is it working?

Whether it’s professional, personal, or business, everyone has a brand. And some manage theirs better than others.

Some use their website to drive attention to their brand. At the same time, others focus all their energy on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and even LinkedIn.

Building a brand presence isn’t just a new logo, creating a flashy website, or posting on social media. Instead, it’s about engaging with your audience and driving them from an online to an offline conversation. And even better, into your shopping cart for closed sales or new client contracts

5 Signs You Could Really Use a Brand Coach

Let’s examine the effectiveness of your brand presence against these five signs.

1. You do not have a target audience

You’ve taken a spray and pray approach to targeting your audience. Instead of digging in and understanding who is the right candidate for your products or services, you decided to target everyone. However, because you have stretched your approach so broadly, you often get inquiries from potential clients that aren’t a good fit for your or do not clearly understand your offerings.

2. You can’t describe your product or service offering in one to three sentences

Your elevator pitch takes a little longer than expected, and once you are done, people are still confused about what you can offer them. 

3. Your customers are often confused about the value proposition you provide

Are you noticing that people click through your website from your social media posts or other content assets, but your bounce rate is high? Or do you have a high volume of cart abandonment on your site? It’s often because your value proposition didn’t land well. You piqued their interest, but once they got to the site, your content felt like a bait and switch - and didn’t land well.

4. Your social media content does not include links back to your site

So you created all this great social media content, but no one is coming to your site. Did you forget to link your content back to your site? There is a big difference between earned and owned media. It’s great to use social media to start the conversation, but you want to see it continue offline.

5. Your social media content shows low to no engagement (likes, shares, comments)

You’re posting every day, but no one is engaging with your content. If you aren’t seeing likes, shares, or comments (from people other than your friends), it’s time to do a social media audit and see if your creativity, messaging, and hashtags draw the right audience to your posts.

Are you shaking your head and saying, “Yes, that’s me?” We need to talk.

The signs above can be managed with guidance and training. Then, you can get your brand off life support and back to good health. 

Let’s talk.