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Remote Work Tips

5 Tips to Stay Focused and Engaged While Working Remotely

With the recent shift in companies moving to work-from-home policies amid the impact of COVID-19. Employees are finding it hard to adjust to their new normal and looking for guidance on how to stay focused and engaged while working remotely. Some colleagues and friends have asked how to stay focused and engaged when working from home — and with uncertainty about the duration of time away from the office. 

It can be hard adjusting to this new normal, no matter how long it lasts. Here are five essential tips I find helpful when working in a remote or at-home environment.

Tip 1: Get Out of Bed and Get Dressed

One of the best tips you can use when working from home is to approach your workday the same way you would if going into the office. Get up and get dressed. Lounging in your pajamas all day may seem like a good idea at first, but it can become problematic when you cannot get anything done. Getting up and getting dressed allows you to program your mind to focus on the day ahead as if you are heading into work. Also, it helps you have a productive workday. 

Tip 2: Create a Dedicated Workspace

T​here are mixed feelings about this second tip, but I think we all can agree that we're more focused when we have a dedicated workspace. And this goes for our home environment as well. Having a space in your home dedicated to your work allows you a space to focus and gives you a way to separate your day-to-day work life from your personal life. And more importantly, it lets you disconnect from work when needed. In one self-reported survey, 77 percent of remote workers reported higher productivity and efficiency, while 52% are less likely to take time off. With a dedicated work space you're more apt to shut work off at a reasonable time and reconnect with your personal and family life. 

Creating a space in your home designated as your workspace is a great way to stay focused and productive and allows you to step away, disconnecting when needed. Not sure about the best spot in-home or apartment. Try out different locations to see what works best for you. And if it includes a great view and a little sunlight, that's a bonus.

Tip 3: Use Your Technology to Your Advantage

Engaging with your co-workers and business partner can seem challenging when key face-to-face meetings become conference calls. Leveraging video conference and smart device capabilities can help you feel more connected to the team and keeps you engaged during work sessions. There's no better way to stay involved in a conversation than when you can see your colleagues, and they can see you. It makes you stay alert, but it also helps team members feel like you hear them and activity participating during discussions.

Tip 4: Take Short Breaks

S​taring at a laptop or computer screen all day can be daunting regardless of the work environment out. And often, working from home can make it harder to take time out and catch your breath. Taking short breaks throughout the day to stretch, refresh your water or coffee can go a long way to keeping yourself focused and engaged. If you're a pet owner like me, I use my short breaks to walk my dog. It allows me to get some fresh air, spend time with my fur baby, and relax my eyes and brain. For you, a short break could be a simple as, resting your mind for a bit, calling to check in on a family member or friend, and even taking advantage of the virtual workout options that some brick and mortar gyms are offering. No matter what your choice, it's vital that you allow yourself time to step away from your work and rest your mind. 

Tip 5: Don’t Raid the Fridge

Do not, under any circumstances, raid the pantry or fridge. Take it from someone who worked from home for two years. Stretch pants will stretch, and before you know it, you're wondering what happened. Working from home can offer you an assortment of goodies to snack on - some healthy and some not so healthy. It's easy to overeat when you self-isolating while working from home. Try to select meals and snacks that you enjoy and that are good for you. 

Now, these tips might read as common sense approaches to some, but when facing an immediate shift in how we work, communicate and engage, it can take us off balance. Applying these recommendations into your remote work environment can keep you focused and engaged — and reduce the stress that you may feel during this challenging time.